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beef sausages

red pepper

green pepper


shrimp meat

small potato

30 grams of edible oil

30 grams of black pepper sauce


1. Cut colored peppers into small pieces, and cut green peppers into small pieces.Beef sausage cut into small pieces.String them up the way you like.Put tin foil on the baking tray, and put the skewers on the baking tray;


2. Add the roasted meat to the cooking oil and mix well.Brush the meat skewers with a brush, and sprinkle some freshly ground black pepper.Put it into the preheated oven and bake at 200 degrees for 15 minutes;


3. Sprinkle a little black pepper on the oven, let's start.



1. Wash the used bamboo sticks in advance and dry them before use.

2. If you don’t like beef sausage, you can change it to your own.

3. The baking time and temperature are determined by the temperature of the oven.

Up : Colorful Black Pepper Beef Skewers

Down : sweet potato