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1. Medium seed dough (70%): 

180g high-gluten flour

100g milk

2g yeast  

2. Main dough:

80g high-gluten flour

35g butter

40g white sugar

3g salt

1g yeast

24g butter

45g eggs

3. Pastry filling: 

55g butter

25g white sugar

1g salt

1 egg60g milk powder


Medium type dough: 

1. Melt the yeast in the milk, add it to the high flour together, stir it into a flocculent shape;

2. knead it by hand to form a non-sticky dough without filming;

3. Cover with plastic wrap to prevent it from drying out, let it stand at room temperature for 15 minutes; 

4. put it in the refrigerator overnight.

Main dough:

1. Take out the refrigerated seed dough, which has a thick film and tear it into pieces. Sift in the high powder, add white sugar, yeast, egg liquid, cream, use a chef machine if there is a chef machine, and knead it directly by hand;

2. Check the dough below, there is a film, almost to the expansion stage, you can add salt (salt is not recommended to add too early, it will hinder the formation of gluten). After adding salt, continue to beat until the salt is completely absorbed, then add butter that has softened at room temperature;

3. After adding the butter, the dough will become rag-like. It doesn't matter. Continue to beat until it will form a dough slowly, and finally knead out the film. The temperature must not exceed 26 degrees during the whole process;

4. The kneaded dough is very soft and elastic. It is wrapped in plastic wrap and fermented for about 1 hour at room temperature at 25 degrees. Finally, it is twice as large as the original dough. You can stick the dough with your fingers without rebounding;

5. When the dough is fermented, make a creamy filling, beat the softened butter at room temperature to light yellow with a whisk, add white sugar, salt, and eggs, mix well, and finally add milk powder and mix well for later use;

6. Divide the fermented dough into 3 equal parts and round. Roll it into a beef tongue shape, smear it with cream filling, roll it up from top to bottom, and seal it. Put the toast box in the oven at 35 degrees, put a bowl of hot water, ferment for about 90 minutes, and finally the toast box is eight or nine minutes full;

7. Preheat the oven at 180 degrees, bake for 40 minutes, and cover with tin foil after about 10 minutes of coloring to prevent excessive coloring. After baking, shake it gently to get the heat out, take out the toast, lie on your side and let it cool. 

Up : Hot spring toast

Down : Cheese Bacon Toast Roll