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350g cream cheese

75g caster sugar

3 eggs

1 egg yolk

120g light cream

12g corn starch


1. A 6-inch mold, put a piece of baking paper, put one egg yolk, three whole yolks (egg yolk + egg white) in the bowl, break up and set aside

2. 350g cream cheese, stir smoothly, add 75g fine sugar, mix well, add egg liquid in three times, mix well, add 120g light cream, mix well, then add 12g cornstarch, mix well, sieve again, pour in In the mold

3. Then put it in the preheated oven at 210 degrees, 25 minutes, complete (after refrigerating, the taste is better)

Up : Coffee cake

Down : Black Sesame Whole Wheat Chiffon